Central Chamber Lunch - Transport Forum

Diversification and Innovation will be key themes covered by our Panel and Keynote Speaker at our 5th Transport Forum Lunch. With exponential growth continuing on our doorstep, we will be keen to hear from our Panel on how we can pivot, create urgency and action with improving our transportation infrastructure locally as well as state & nation wide.  

The Panel lineup covers experts in Global Transport Companies, Leading Edge Active Transport Engineers and State Shadow Minister for Transport and includes:

* Steve Minnikin (Shadow Transport & Customer Service Minister)
* Michael Sewards (Global CEO Kinetic)
* Prue Oswin (Active Transport Engineer Sidelines Traffic)
* Rebecca Frizelle OAM
* Heather Bone (Director ESG)


Major Sponsors:  Kinetic | MAN | Charge Hub
Media Sponsor : Gold Coast Bulletin


Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre
2684-2690 Gold Coast Hwy
Broadbeach, Qld 4218


$100.00 (Central & GCNCC Members)
$125.00 (Non-Members)


17 May 2024 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
12:00 AM

Our valued members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Gold Coast North Chamber.

Gold Coast Bulletin BDO in AustraliaTelstra Business Technology Centre QLD South Coast ALGRTHM Vert Studios Cranfield Group LIFE IS A PARTY Smith & Co Realty Amarose Group Community Bank Helensvale (Bendigo Bank) Inology Australia Western Buzz Paradise Fitness Clubs Marketing Your Brand BNI Gold Coast