Webinar: Sustainability and ESG support for Small and Medium Queensland Businesses

We know that Sustainability and ESG expectations are becoming increasingly relevant to many small and medium sized businesses, including to win procurement contracts, grants, meet customer demands and retain good staff . We are also very cognisant that small and medium sized businesses simply don't know where to start when it comes to ESG, don't really understand what it is about, and can't see the opportunities it can unlock.

Business Chamber Queensland has improved the range of sustainability and ESG services that it can offer small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). We wouldlike to invite you, and your members, to join Caroline Sullivan, Business Sustainability Manager, for a Teams presentation on 29 August 2024 during which we will:

  • explain what ESG is in simple terms, using easy to understand examples that SMEs can relate to,
  • overview Business Chamber Queensland's expanded ESG support services for businesses including:
    • procurement support and policies, to help businesses win work,
    • education, training and workshops, to help businesses understand how to take advantage of the opportunities ESG creates,
    • support in accessing grant funding underpinned by sustainability criteria,
  • discuss the recently improved ecoBiz program, which businesses can use to address energy, water, waste and now carbon emissions,
  • explain the free Workforce Evolve program, which can help businesses address labour shortages, and attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Microsoft Teams link: Sustainability and ESG support for Small and Medium Queensland Businesses, 11am Thursday 29 August 2024

(Meeting ID: 436 296 565 484; Passcode: dLgRAP)


Online thru Microsoft Teams


29 Aug 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 AM

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