Lunch with David Crisafulli, Leader of the Opposition

As part of our commitment to providing valuable opportunities for our members, we are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive luncheon hosted by the Gold Coast North Chamber of Commerce.

Join us on August 29, 2024, at the Southport Sharks Events Centre for a not-to-be-missed afternoon featuring an economic presentation by Anders Magnusson, BDO Partner & Senior Economist, followed by an engaging session with Queensland’s Opposition Leader, David Crisafulli.

This event is a fantastic opportunity to gain insights into the economic forecasts that impact our region and participate in a lively discussion about Queensland's future. Additionally, it’s a prime opportunity to connect with industry leaders, influential professionals, and community figures.

Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to learn, discuss, and connect with key figures shaping the future of Queensland. 


Presidents Room, Sharks Events Centre
Cnr Olsen & Musgrave Aves
Southport, Qld 4215


$160.00 (Non-Member)
$150.00 (Members)
Free - up to 1 per customer (Silver Sponsors)
Free - up to 2 per customer (Gold Sponsors)


Entree & Main and one drink on arrival


29 Aug 2024 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
12:00 PM

Our valued members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Gold Coast North Chamber.

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