GCNCC Membership

Set out below are the terms and conditions applying and between the Gold Coast North Chamber of Commerce and Industry Limited ABN 89 535 831 501 (“we/us/our/ GCNCC”) and GCNCC members (referred to as “you” and “your”) which will apply with respect to your Membership of GCNCC.

Membership is for one year commencing on the date your application is received and the Membership fee paid and is renewable on the anniversary of that date in subsequent years.

To the extent that these terms and conditions are subject to any statute relating to unfair contract terms, including the Australian Consumer Law, the parties agree and acknowledge that:

(a) the parties had an opportunity to review these terms and consider them prior to their acceptance;

(b) the terms included herein are fair and balanced between the parties, properly protecting the legitimate commercial interests of both parties; and

(c) to the extent that terms herein are offered without an opportunity to renegotiate those terms, they are offered by us on the basis that:

(i)  the agreement relates to services provided to a number of members on equal and equivalent terms;

(ii) they protect all parties by the clear allocation of risk and responsibility, in a way which is appropriate to the risk assumed and benefit provided under the agreement;

(iii)any restraints and conditions are necessary and reasonable to preserve and protect the continued operation of our business.

If any provision of this agreement is held to otherwise be unlawfully inconsistent with Consumer Legislation, it is deemed to be explicitly negative and void.

The Membership levels, the benefits associated with those levels and membership fees are referred to in the Schedule.

Membership fees must be paid annually

An invoice will be sent to you annually before your renewal date and it will state when the fees are due.

The benefits of Membership may be suspended, or this Agreement terminated by us without notice if Membership fees are not paid by the due date in the invoice.

Subject to this Agreement, Membership fees are not refundable if you terminate this agreement during your Membership year.

You agree to notify us of changes to your contact details in writing, so we can provide the benefits of membership to you.

We can change these terms and conditions, including benefits of membership from time to time, by updating these terms and conditions on our website. The changes will come into effect 30 days after the amended terms have been posted on our website.

We can amend our Membership fees annually by providing written notice to that effect at least 30 days before the change will take effect.

Any advice we provide in the course of providing the services under this Agreement is provided on the basis that you have accurately disclosed all relevant facts and circumstances (both past and present) to us and relates only to those facts and circumstances. If a query you make or task you require, requires legal advice from a lawyer, we will advise you of this and recommend a lawyer for you to contact.

We will not use, disclose or copy any Confidential Information of yours unless this is reasonably necessary to perform the services under this Agreement or you otherwise consent or is required by law.  This obligation also applies after this agreement comes to an end.  “Confidential information” includes any information designated or treated by you as confidential or any other information that would be regarded as confidential at law.

All Intellectual Property developed by us in the course of providing the services under this Agreement to you remain vested in us. We hereby grant you an irrevocable non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use the Intellectual Property strictly for the purposes the services were provided but otherwise without expiry.

Any Intellectual Property owned by us remains exclusively our property and nothing in this Agreement assigns, transfers or otherwise grants a possessory right in that Intellectual Property to you, including in circumstances where that Intellectual Property forms part of any information or services provided to you under this Agreement. To the extent that it is reasonably necessary for you to obtain the benefit of services provided under this Agreement where Intellectual Property owned by us is an intrinsic part of those services, this Agreement grants you an irrevocable non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use the Intellectual Property strictly for the purposes the services were provided under this Agreement but otherwise without expiry.

You agree that from time to time, information provided by you to us, including your contact information, may be provided to third parties who advise us or who may contact you directly to assist with your business needs. You also agree in providing that information pursuant to these terms you explicitly consent to us sharing that information, provided always that it is in the interest of providing you with the services under this Agreement. To avoid any doubt, your benefits under this agreement include access to a referral network, by which third parties that may be able to assist you will be authorised to contact you directly. Nothing in this agreement binds you to any further contract with any third party, unless separately agreed.

To the extent permitted by law:

(a) You agree that our liability to you in relation to breach of any term, condition or warranty relating to provision of the services under this Agreement or any other legal obligation under this agreement is limited to:

(i) An amount equal to the amount of fees paid by you to us pursuant to this agreement (excluding any GST); or

(ii) If applicable, the provision of any services under this Agreement again, without charge.

(b) Where any legislation voids or prohibits a provision in this agreement which excludes or modifies any term, condition, guarantee or warranty (Obligation) imposed by law, that Obligation will be deemed included in this Agreement to the extent that the law requires. Our liability for breach of such Obligations will be limited to the minimum liability permitted by law and where permitted, at our option, to providing the services under this Agreement again or payment of the cost of having the services delivered by another party.

this agreement can be terminated by you by providing us with 4 weeks’ notice if you do not accept any changes we make to this Agreement pursuant to clauses 10 or 15  , If you do not provide us with 4 weeks’ notice of your intention to terminate the agreement, you agree to pay us the relevant membership fees for the period the notice is not provided.

Either party can terminate this agreement without notice where the other party commits a serious or persistent breach of the provisions of this agreement or engages in any other act or omission that could justify summary termination at common law.

If you lawfully terminate this Agreement under clause 5, you are not liable for Membership fees for the remainder of your Membership year (if you pay monthly). (Alternatively, if you have paid your Membership fees annually, we will refund your Membership fees for the reminder of your Membership year).

This agreement cannot be assigned by you without our consent in writing. This agreement can be assigned by us in writing.

We can sub-contract the provision of services under this agreement.

If any provision of this agreement (or part thereof) is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the other provisions (or parts) of this agreement.

Save as otherwise indicated, all amounts payable under this agreement are expressed as exclusive of GST.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter.

This agreement is governed by the laws in Queensland and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.


Gold Coast North Chamber of Commerce Membership $159 + GST

  • Discounts & invitations to GCNCC events
  • Access to CCIQ information, webinars & Fair Work advice
  • Member directory access & business listing*
  • Access to GCNCC members only Facebook group
  • GCNCC member badge*
  • GCNCC voting rights
  • Proud GCNCC Member logo*
  • Sponsorship & advertising opportunities
  • Access to the latest GCNCC information including but not limited to the latest Government, Council, training & compliance news
  • Access to Councillors
  • GCNCC member only discounts (program currently under review)

* Please note as we launch and roll out our new membership program & website some of the features may not yet be available. Please be patient with us as we roll out the new program!


GCNCC and our partners reserve the right to change, suspend or withdraw member offers, discounts and benefits at any time. All pricing is correct at time of print and subject to change. We may share your contact details with third party partners for the purpose of proposing or delivering services to meet your business needs.


Seminar, webinar and event entitlements are subject to terms and conditions. These entitlements apply only to seminars, webinars and events that are promoted, managed and delivered by CCIQ, GCNCC or other external parties.

Entitlements must be utilised within the membership year. Free entitlements may not be rolled over into subsequent membership years.

Use of the GCNCC Member Portal

By using the GCNCC Member Portal, and in submitting your information to use the Service, you warrant that the information you supply to us is, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete. Neither we (nor any of our authorised representatives) will be liable for any charges or other damages arising in connection with any incorrect information provided by you. Misrepresenting or withholding information is grounds for the withdrawal of access to the Site or the Service and/or denial or revocation of the accreditation. If there is any change in any of the facts given and you are unable to change them, you must immediately notify GCNCC by emailing secretary@gcncc.org.au.

In order to use the Member Portal, you may be asked to create a profile and to access your saved profile through a username and password. You must not disclose your username and password to any other person and must retain those details securely. If you elect not to create a profile, you still agree to be bound by (and to comply with) these Terms in their entirety.

Membership Fees

GCNCC – Annual – $159 + GST per year. Payable within 7 days of invoice.

For the purposes of this Agreement “Intellectual Property” means:

All copyright, inventions, patents (including patent applications), trademarks (whether registered or not), designs (whether registrable or not), eligible circuit layout rights, know-how and other confidential information and rights in relation thereto, and all other intellectual Property as defined in Article 2 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation of July 1967.

Our valued members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Gold Coast North Chamber.

Gold Coast BulletinVert Studios Cranfield Group BNI Gold Coast Telstra Business Technology Centre QLD South Coast Amarose Group Inology Australia Marketing Your Brand LIFE IS A PARTY Paradise Fitness Clubs Smith & Co Realty ALGRTHM